The algorithm of vec_dist is the following:
Originally Posted By: Manual
temp[0] = vektor1[0] - vektor2[0];
temp[1] = vektor1[1] - vektor2[1];
temp[2] = vektor1[2] - vektor2[2];
distance = sqrt(temp[0]*temp[0] + temp[1]*temp[1] + temp[2]*temp[2]);

That means it is really fast. There must be something different that slows your code/ game down, the fact that you create 500 entities at once should be the problem.
Immediately after creation set their passable flag, this will be much faster:

you = ent_create(tree...)

"Falls das Resultat nicht einfach nur dermassen gut aussieht, sollten Sie nochmal von vorn anfangen..." - Manual

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