Here is some LITE_C code Ive been working on recently.
Its not exact to what you want, but I'll take another look at it tonite.
To make it c-script friendly and give you more control over it...

	ENTITY* panel_entity = ent_create("panel1.mdl",  NULL, NULL);
	test_pan.target_map=bmap_createblack(test_pan.size_x, test_pan.size_y, 32);
	ent_setskin(panel_entity, test_pan.target_map, 1);

this plants the panel output onto the skin of a model, provided I give it a double-sided-mapping model.

[EDIT] Sorry guys, but my code revolves around "target_map", and that doesnt appear available in c-script.

Last edited by EvilSOB; 04/05/10 16:02.

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