OK, Ive found the problem, and it wasnt an engine bug, it was a timing bug in my code.
It appears (in MY opinion) the A7 7.82.2 is "cleaner" when removing entities, where there
was a (behind the scenes) one-frame lag between the execution of an ent_remove
and the actual memory getting flushed and re-used.
Now there is no longer that lag, it highlighted my timing problem.

So here is the fix. Just replace the old LB_spawn (from Version 2.0) with this.
void LB_spawn(VECTOR* Start, VECTOR* Finish, long Div, float Branch, long Depth, long Size, COLOR* Core, COLOR* Flare, var Seed)
{	if(Div<3)	return;
	if(!Seed)	Seed = timer();	
	VECTOR A, B, C, D, tmpV, corec, flarec, *fine=0, *crude=0;	vec_zero(flarec);
	vec_set(A, Start);		vec_set(B, Finish);		vec_set(corec, Core);	
	if(Flare)	vec_set(flarec, Flare);
	long i, cnt, seg_size = vec_dist(A,B)/Div;		random_seed(Seed);
	LB_divide(A, B, Div, vec_dist(A,B)/(Div+1), crude);
	me = ent_create(NULL, NULL, NULL);		me.skill2 = Size;
	vec_set(me.skill3, corec);				vec_set(me.skill6, flarec);
	for(i=1; i<Div; i++)	
	{	LB_divide(crude[i-1],crude[i],Div/2,vec_dist(crude[i-1],crude[i])/Div/2+1,fine);
		for(cnt=1; cnt<(Div/2); cnt++)
		{	vec_set(tmpV, fine[cnt]);	vec_sub(tmpV, fine[cnt-1]);
				vec_scale(tmpV, vec_length(tmpV)/vec_length(tmpV));
			if(vec_length(flarec))	effect(LB_segment_flare, 1, fine[cnt-1], tmpV);
			effect(LB_segment_core, 1, fine[cnt-1], tmpV);				}	
		{	vec_diff(C, crude[i], crude[i-1]);
			vec_diff(D, crude[i], crude[i+1]);
			vec_lerp(tmpV, D, C, random(1)+0.35);
			vec_normalize(tmpV, random(seg_size*(Div-i))*0.6);	vec_add(tmpV,crude[i]); 
			LB_spawn(crude[i], tmpV,Div*0.6,Branch,Depth-1,Size*0.6, corec, flarec, Seed+random(15));
	}	}
	wait(1);	ent_remove(me);		free(crude);	free(fine);

Sorry guys. My bad.

{EDIT] This code has also been fixed in Ver 2.0 and Ver 2.1 in the top post of this thread.

Last edited by EvilSOB; 04/06/10 07:53.

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