im using a6.60 com and i have a problem with running my prog as server+client and client only on the same pc:
at first i start the program with -sv -cl. this works fine but as soon as i start another instance of it (- cl ony) to connect to the first one, the first one freezes.
the logfile of the client shows

Searching for servers... session CLIENT_MAIN found
Session CLIENT_MAIN joined as spieler1

the logfile of the server+client shows:

Compiling CLIENT_MAIN.WDL - [Esc] to abort...........
Starting server... flo initialized
9 objects
Spieler1(S) joined
D3D_Init Window: 640x480x32 -> Window: 1x640x480x32
Video memory found: 742 MB
Main started
Example_Camera_Controls_startup started
Camera_Driver_startup started
Main loop.....
Level()...cmap,0 ents,0 lmaps,0 texs,hull
Physics restarted...ok....ok
1st frame - 759808K... ok
D3D_Resize Window: 1024x768x32 -> Window: 1x1024x768x32
Spieler2(C) joined

i always have to close the first program by using the task-manager.. it uses 99% cpu power and dosnt react anymore after the client joined.

any idea what is causing this?
it also happens with an "empty" project, just
function main(){

if i start both with -sv only or both with -sv -cl it works fine

the os on this pc is winxp sp3

Last edited by metal; 04/06/10 08:33.