The most important lesson that good Indies and Professional Companies
have learned is to use a consistant style.

No Matter what approach you take, All Elements should
be made with consistancy to a style in mind.

The worst is to use a mix of different styles and quality,
(like taking objects from different artists,
or making certain parts very detailed, and others sloppy)


using an Art approach (stylised and lower resolution)
is the more economic approach for Indies.
Important is to be able to replicate the style
over all Elements then.

Big companies are doomed to make Games realistic, detailed
and use the latest Effects and Animationtools.
Indies have the leasure not to be downgraded when using
a more simplistic style.


I actually like the brown / realistic style.
(Stalker, Fallout 3, etc)
But also the Artistic Approach like in Blizzard Games
or Torchlight.
A dungeon athmosphere should not look too "happy" though.