Yeah a great great game i played on PS2 !
The characters have very low polygons, but they have lot fo personnality, their own poses and body language !

Visually ,teh simplicity make all things clear, and easy ot distinguish, beautifull shader.
The other big point, is top notch real time gameplay.
And the attributes, powers increase like Zelda games.

Lot of people using A7 could make such game, less time consuming than making precise, photorealistic models and textures.

Another game that is impressive: low polygons, low but very effective textures, and great research on design and colour of textures and environment si a IPhone game: Dungeon Hunter !
Even under houses , objects on groudn it seems to be some shadow on ground laugh (not floating objects)

Even low res textures, or models, all things remain beautifull, caus they don't use very darks textures or atmosphere, and all that fit and mix together very well !
Lot of people should take example on that game , even beginners !

We could crate a design manual based on that game that would
power up lot fo games or people here indeed laugh !!

Last edited by ratchet; 04/12/10 08:53.