hey Brayden, been a while laugh

great you finally made it into the games industry (to be honest i still thought you were still working at the mac store, lol).
One thing i disagree on though:

"If any of you are ever interested in becoming a better developer and opening up to more than just games for the PC I highly recommend looking into iPhone/iPad development or even a free development OS is Androids OS."

It's ofcourse not so important what OS you are developing for, just make sure you have enough technical experience, but more importantly, make sure that you work well in a team wink I experienced this on my job. I was a full-time PC dev (3DGS as well) and due to the technical stuff i learned on that, I now am a full time PS3 dev laugh

other then that, great to see someone else again has made his hobby into his job grin

Formerly known as dennis_fantasy
Portfolio - http://www.designorhea.com/
Project - http://randomchance.cherrygames.org/