Hi there,

i got a problem. Maybe it is extrem easy and i just dont get it or it is more complicated.

At the moment i´m creating a login system. It is very simple and just .txt layered.

The first thing i do is create my Strings.

STRING* id_input = "#10";
STRING* pw_input = "#10";

The i have my input field with inkey function, a login and a register button.

Now what i want is. If player press the register button it should check if mininum 3 characters are typed in. That does not work because my strings are already 10 characters longs even if they dont have any characters in it.

This depends on the "#10" after string creation. So everytime i click register it checks the inputs and says: "yes theres is more than 3 characters." But there isnt. laugh

This is the check code.

input_check = str_len(id_input);

if(input_check > 2)
	// Write ID Data
	error("ID need at least 3 characters.");

If i create my strings with this one: ""

I just have one character to type in with inkey.

Now how can i manage it that my strings are all 1 character long as long as there is no inkey input?