Hi all,

I want to give you something I think almost everyone of you could use: A whole online highscore system.

Download Here

Including support for different score tables (or scores for different difficulties, levels, whatever you want).

It contains:
- A lite-c include offering functions to insert and get scores from the online highscore tables
- A DLL (to make downloading/uploading possible)
- A PHP-Script for almost every webserver

How does it work?
It's not that complex. After you call a send-function in lite-c, a dll-function will call your php-script which will get data from your game and store it in an online highscore file (a plain text file).
While storing, it already inserts the score at the right position.

When your game wants to get the scores, the dll will download the online scores, temporary place it in the game folder and you can read the data.

How to start
Take a look at the ReadMe.txt and run the Example.c to check it out!

I hope you enjoy this contribution!
A credit would be fair, I think wink

If someone wants to, he can also re-write the script to work with another online dll. But I think there is no need to.

If you find bugs, crashes, or if you simply like it, you're welcome to tell it laugh


Last edited by TSG_Torsten; 04/19/10 22:32.