There are several reasons why i (and maybe all of the other) think that this "dream" will gonna fail:

1. Bad english, ist not a real reason but gives an bad impression.
2. He´s not telling anything about his idea. He just says I do "levels and music" there were several people which already posted same things like "create 50 games for me, plz" grin
3. Not getting paid for a game which is sentenced to get lost? Believe me nearly everyone had make this experience.
4. No one has ever heard of him. He can´t show anything he developed. No Quality infos...

The other ones for sure know better reasons but thats it why we just can laugh about projects like that. At the beginning of 3D Gamestudio i also made posts like that had dreams about large MMORPG´s and it also was refused. So i started with small things and it gave me the best results. Today i´m still having started projects which end in the depth of my harddisk ^^

Your opinion about the dreams is absolutely correct. But everyone dreams his own dream.

Sad but trueeee laugh