Although I am also skeptical about this technology (first time I saw it I thought it was a prank), we should always keep our minds open to new ideas.

-how are applied textures precisely ?
Not sure, but they could be baked into the point data. Procedural textures may also become a possibility.

-can you have shaders on top of this technology ? lot more power needed tnhan simpel polygons
There is no reason why you could not have custom shading effects, this runs in software so anything you can program you can combine with this. The question is the performance, this is where they need to support direct compute.

-how can work 3D Collision system ?????
I think you could do it anyway you want just like with polygon engines. A lot of collision systems use bounding boxes for moving objects. As far as colliding with the world you could make a polygon representation of it if they find no other way.

- Can you have animated models : i doubt a lot !!!!!!!!!
Yes they did make an animation.

- Can you have Lightmaps ?
According to Bruce Dell:
Unlimited Detail will have both real-time shadows and pre-calculated
lighting as well as a variety of advanced lighting options"

- What tools modelers can produce models for such scenes ?
what tool to use to build a scenes, texture it, have lightmaps ???????
Bruce Dell again:
Data can be imported from a variety of sources. We expect to directly
support some popular scanning and modelling applications and file
formats for both point cloud and polygon style data. The SDK will
provide a simple way to import data from any source."

And memory:
The Unlimited Detail rendering technology does not require significant
system memory to run. The geometry may be compressed, instanced and
streamed to allow the best mix of runtime and disk based storage as
well as support unique geometry."

This is all what they said. I'm not sure if the technology will be as perfect as they say it is, but it seems like they are finding ways of solving the problems they encountered.