
I hope everyone is well. I've read the story doc and have a few comments on the first three chapters which Ganderoleg asked me to post. I'll sum it up as follows: Little J (LJ) gets captured while playing in the snowy mountains. Big J (BJ) hears his screams and follows the footprints of BUM (or SUM). She reaches the outskirts of the mountains and finds a huge abyss (maybe similar to the one in the latest Star Trek movie when young James T. Kirk drives his stepdads car off the cliff). She sees BUM (or SUM) jump the huge expanse with her brother. Feeling hopeless and unable to pursue, a wizard in the form of a mouse gives BJ a potion. Instead of it being a "switching gravity" potion, I think it should simply slow her descent. If she were to switch gravity, she would simply "fall into the sky" with nothing to stop her from going into space. At the bottom of the abyss on the other side of the cliff wall is an opening leading to the mountain dungeons chapter where she finds her brother. When they reunite, they work their way up through the cliffs passages to reach the mountain fortress.