Just because Andrew Gower succeeded doesnot mean you will succeed too. From outside what i see is only a kid obsessed with RuneScape, swimming in dreams.

Exactly. Also, you don't look too professional when you shout and threaten your users when they speak in a less-than-flattering way about you. Please don't stop reading this post here.

You can't blame us for doubting your ability to succeed. There are probably millions of kids in this world just like you, they call themselves a CEO and create a website for their "company". But behind all of this self applause and hot air, there's absolutely nothing.

One thing typical of successful people, including Andrew Gower, is that their projects started out as hobbies, college projects, and stuff like that. Gower didn't try to inflate himself, make a huge game website, and pretend to be some kind of awesome game developer. He only did that after years of working, when he suddenly found out, "Hey, I have something kind of cool here."

Think about the kind of reputation you've gained here so far. All we know about you is that you love Runescape and have a gaming website. There's no end to the self promotion you've made for yourself, but you've got nothing to show for it. Look at the other forum members: sPIKe, Hummel, Superku, etc. They don't try to advertise themselves all that much. All they do is make games for the fun of it. People respect them not because they have big websites, but because they have a proper amount of self esteem and they clearly have talent. They've made lots of games, some of them quite good. But you haven't done anything but say how awesome you are.

Nobody is trying to make you angry here. We're telling you the truth. Right now, you aren't successful, and you're not great. You could very well become just as successful as Andrew Gower someday, but not the way you're headed. You don't have to destroy your website or anything, but you really should stop pretending you're awesome, because almost nobody's going to take you seriously.

And my team does exist.

I meant a team that was actively developing a space game. From what I can tell, you're not actively involved in any space game projects. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!