@Joquan: grin... I think there's still some posts around from when i had that sort of attitude.

It's a nice thing to have, but probably won't be beneficial in the long run. I think my 'companies' name was 'SebSoft, not to be underestimated'.. Makes me laugh when i think about itgrin. I must admit that your name is a lot more inventive than mine was (First half of my name stuck with the first half of 'software'.). Even now i have a little name (in my sig) for an engine i'm developing in c++ for directx (which so far, has failed miserably..). I reckon that if you replaced the end of your posts from
Originally Posted By: joquan
'CEO of blah corporation (C) etc'
with something like:
Originally Posted By: an indie team
>Here< is some things demonstrating our teams skills, and some tech demos
you would be taken a lot more seriously. Also, your apparent obsession with RuneScape is quite a big offputter (for me anyway), because it says 'This is a game I really like, and i want to make something exactly like it'. I don't think so. Runescape was text-based (yes, text based), until about 10 people joined the team. Aim low, then work your way up.

off-topic:- WoW is much bigger than RuneScape (by paying users) atm... (Not that I play WoW... I rather EVE, I find it more interesting)

Come to think of it, i would be interested in developing a space-type game also...