I am working on a private educational application right now (originally intended for my 6yr old son)--I have a demo of how it works (proof of concept) but it looks horrid. I need a small team to do the level-design, artwork, creating/animating models and in the near future music/sound-effects.

Level designer will need to create an interesting environment that lends itself to exploring. The levels are not meant to be huge, so tactful use of different terrain height will be best (make good use of the animations the models have the ability to use, such as climbing, crawling).

Artwork/Artist will be involved in painting the level(s) to the educational theme and making various images and sprites for effects.

Modeller/Animator will need to create eight medium-to-low poly count models of various cartoon'ish looking kids (4 boys and 4 girls). Animation sequences will include run, walk, jump, fall, cast-spell, climb, crawl.

I am funding this project myself and do have the resources to pay for good work--I am looking for people who already have some experience but not yet professional.

If you can take a role in the project, please email me at manthnx@aol.com, please include what further details you need of the project according to your role, ball-park price and any samples of your work.

Thank you!
