that reply just made me laugh hard XD

back to topic.
I could help you out, depending on what exactly you need - wildlife (im bad at wildlife) cities, dungeons (im good at dungeons) indoor/outdoor, modern, medieval, with terrain (you said that, but do you need terrain only? is the terrain provided?) with blocks (maybe for buildings?) creating evironment models or are they provided ect. those are all important questions any leveld esigner should ask. same goes for style, but you already specified cartoony, so your texture artists should know if you plan on shading it with a toon shader or if the shadows should be painted. simply put, google "wind waker" and then google "zack and wiki" to see the difference.
alternatively, cartoony could mean "Super mario galaxy" or "borderlands" so you need to be specific there.

when all is said and done, i can provide services for level design, layout, graphic design and music personally. I also know a few people you could talk to about models and textures laugh