hi folks,

here is the story of the evil movie which I live since 3 weeks.

After 17 Years, 6 months and 25 Days my wife told me she is leaving me.

She said she cant stand me and simply doesnt love me anymore.
This came for me like a blizzard in summer. There was no sign for this sudden crash.

After a couple of days a foreign woman contacted me and described that my wife met her ex-boyfriend already since a few weeks.

What a fu**!

First my wife have a new romance with an other guy.
Now I can see my kids only 3 days a week.
And after a bit research I came to the conclusion....I'm financial ruined because the aliments for my kids.

As Dad I have no big value here in germany only for paying.
I lovely would take my kids to me because I love them very much. With my youngest daughter I spend 2 months at home while she was a baby (Elternzeit).
But if the mother doesnt use drugs I have no chance at germans court.

I must really collect my money for the A8 update.

Sorry if I boring you with my shit, but I simply have to shout it out.

WtF is this?


"Make a great game or kill it early" (Bruce Shelley, Ensemble Studios)