Joquan, I must be completely honest with you here. You cannot pretend you are any better than anyone else. I'm the same age as you, and I once had the exact same mentality as you did. I have learned a lot since then. Being on this forum has helped build me as a person, but it only worked when I stopped and listened to what others had to say. Look at this thread to see what I mean. It's a pretty long read, but it's quite critical to my argument, so please read it.

I was hurt when people told me my project was less-than-stellar. But ultimately, I swallowed my pride and just accepted facts. No, I'm not as great as I thought.

But, here's the thing: I didn't stop programming there! After being angry for a while, I decided I wouldn't quit working on my project. I just decided that I was going to have a change of attitude the way I went about doing it. I stopped pretending to be better than I really am.

You really have to start having a humble attitude of your position in life. Yes, you probably are smarter and more ahead than a lot of people out there. But you can't let that go to your head. Keep doing what you do, but don't post in the Job Offerings/Job Wanted areas pretending that you're an experienced game designer who's made tons of games and really has amazing skills. Because you aren't fooling anyone. Everyone here is talented. When you come out here, you have to realize that you're suddenly not more experienced than everyone else. This forum is loaded with people who have designed dozens of games from start to finish, and even got some of them published. You can't pretend to be in the same league as them, so for your own good, you should just stay out of it (for now!), like I did!

Now, back on topic. I really am tired of arguing here, and it really isn't polite to trash up this guy's topic like this. If anyone wants to continue, we should take this to Morbius's Virtual Answering Machine.

Last edited by Redeemer; 05/13/10 00:59. Reason: Apologies to the thread creator.

Eats commas for breakfast.

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