Aztec closed the topic before I hit the Submit button, so sorry for the new topic.

Joaquan... there is an universal fact about teenagers. Every single one thinks he knows everything (so to speak, don't take it literally).

I know you feel like you are right, and that we are the big bad wolves that just gobbled up your little sister and left you all alone. You're pissed, you wanna be right, and that's alright, everyone does that at your age.

But try to understand here. We already went through that. We know what it is like, and we also know how embarrassing things can be in retrospect. Can you even imagine how happy I am that all my old posts from the A4 forums aren't here anymore? I was 9 (!) when I started with 3DGS, and I have done everything you are doing right now...

At the time I was making a FPS game, Charge Gun, and I boasted around "big open worlds", "dynamic storyline", blah blah blah... "yes we already have the levels, but we cant show them right now because the details are missing" when in reality I had 2 levels, one of them was so crappy I had to make it again when I got A5, because the level compiler couldn't handle it anymore. The entire game was made in templates, but of course publicly I said that the whole thing was made from scratch from my coding department.

I was the big CEO of Xware Computer Games, I had people working under me yeah... The only problem was that I didn't. I myself only now am starting to have everything I need to actually start a company. And a one-man-company at that... And I had my start into working life with 16 years, an age you really don't want to get serious with this. I had a head-start, but for your own sake I'd advise against it.

Then I started Dark Age, and in the early stages I used textures from Gothic and claimed I had licenses to use them. Which I also didn't. But I only realized how important that was when I got older.

I don't know if you really do have people working(!) for you. Mind you, working FOR you, not with you. I don't know if you pay them, or how much. How big your company is and if you have any revenues coming in.

But from experience and an educated guess I'd say you are just like me. And a serious business person that you are trying to emulate, would not use a name from a fictional religious figure from the Babylon 5 series ;-)

Listen to me: Swallow your pride, because I don't think that the forum right now will have a start from scratch like in the past. So all your little posts will be there when you get older and start realizing how embarrassing you have been acting.

I don't wanna change you, but rather give you a good advice: Don't act in a way you will probably regret in a few years. See this like an Intervention from your friends, rather than us being your stupid, annoying parents who don't get you at all and telling you what to do.

Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact.
~ George Eliot

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku