Panels only use bitmaps, i was under the impression that it could be used with an entity 3d mdl model too.

I wanted to start with an 3D animated life meter, but i simply couldn't find ANY template or related function to make a 3d entity placed on top of all rendered elements in a view.

I even made a 3D animated life meter.

I could swear that this was possible... am i hallucinating?

keeping the life meter as a normal 3d scene entity in a specific position to the camera will imply on it getting stuck inside map entityes and other models during exploration - not cool.

I was planning on making all menus in a 3D fashion - equiping the character with a rotating 3d avatar oblivion-style, etc...

Maybe the solution is to enclose the menu elements in a separate 'room' with a camera, and render them in an extra view ontop of the main view like a car mirror?