
"Just think this way,if you have a son/daughter/families will you ever let anyone to redicule/harm them in anyway?The same with us,only the differences is we prioritize our religion first as this act of drawing really forbidden in our religion,no we won't bring this to justice with violence but with the rules on the country where this happening."

So you basicly say follow our rules and it will be fine, you simple impose muslim sharia on non-muslims. And you mix speech with action harming someone has nothing to do with speech.

Well yes I've read the Quran and these so called extremists are pretty close to the text but of course you will deny it. Its funny the more I learn about Islam the more Iam repelled by its teachings.

To Quadraxas here is your problem these extremists know the teachings of islam, the quotes you bring I know however you seem to have no understanding of what bases of a free society "Free speech is not the freedom of insulting" are. Freedom of Speech was always thought of as protection of things that are controversial no one needs to protect nice speech.

Sam Harris explains it better why your views are so problematic.
Sam Harris on Islam

He very much gets to the root of the problem by also refering to the teachings of the Quran.

Islam needs a movement of enlightment not deniers of what islam teaches or not.