My name is Tyler Favinger and I’d prefer you contact via PM to start things off. Yes I do go by Fox.


I’ve been honing in my writing skills for the past seven years. I write both fiction and non-fiction and I do have experience in writing for games. I really want to get back into game design as my main passions are writing and video games. In the past I have done programming and 3D model design, but I’ve decided to focus on what I do best.


I am willing to work for free on a small scale story driven game. If the project does go commercial I would like a small compensation for my time and effort. Mainly I just want to make sure my name appears in the credits and wherever the game is advertised (i.e. website). I’m just looking to write the story for your game, but if needed I can come up with one. I figure most designers already know what they want, but they may not be able to write dialogue or lore. That’s where I can come in.


- I would pretty much like to work on any aspect of the game’s story, be it character development, world building, dialogue, and/or the plot itself. I could work on one small aspect of it or the majority of it.

- I can assist with brainstorming. If you have a rough idea in your head I can help you smooth out the edges. In the end it will still be your story.


Due to the nature of my work self-publishing my projects in a publicly accessible place compromises my ability to actually get published. Please PM me with an email address I could forward my current writings to.


Check my website for a few short stories and various articles.


I am no best selling author. From what my critics say my writing still needs works (it always will), but I do have characters and plot down. I write in a very direct way that’s easy to understand (I’m very inspired by Hemmingway). But I’m not writing you a novel anyway, so there shouldn’t be any issues.

Some other things I should mention…

- I hate stuff that’s lighthearted or doesn’t take itself seriously. I need something I can sink my teeth into.

- I’m big on sci-fi and thriller type stuff. I’ve also written some black comedies, so I guess you could say that sway more towards the darker serious stuff, but it doesn’t have to be dark at all. I like things to be believable though, otherwise what do you need me for?

- Crazy amounts of violence and nudity doesn’t bother me at all, in fact I call that entertainment. I’m twenty years old and in my jurisdiction there’s nothing I legally can’t see.

- Fantasy isn’t my specialty, but I can write it so long as you have some basic world building elements established. I hate clichéd fantasies like Divine Divinity, but I am a big fan of the Witcher.

- I’m all for satire and I don’t care to be politically correct; I’ll bash my own Libertarian party if needed. I’ll write any potentially offensive joke so long as it serves a purpose, but if I feel you’re targeting ANYBODY I will abandon your project.

- I much, much prefer voice chat or phone calls over IMs. IMs are too impersonal for me.

- I understand how life can get in the way believe me, but I if I lose contact with a team for more than two weeks I abandon the project. I see no reason why I can’t receive a phone call saying things are bad right now.

- Yes I play all the latest games, most of them anyway. I have a collection of over 500 games so I’m pretty knowledgeable of the classics.

- I don’t like any games that send messages to the players. Be it anti-war, anti-nuke, anti-commy, I want nothing to do with that, regardless of whether or not I agree with the messages.

- I detach myself from my principles and believes when writing in order to my characters as three dimensional as possible. And because of this things I write tend not to be black and white; I write protagonists and antagonist. If you have a good vs. evil scenario please specify, and beware of my limitations in that area.

- I have little understanding of faith and religion outside of textbooks. Thus if you need me to incorporate Christian morals into your game you may have to be very precise. I really don’t mind working on religious themed games. Like I said before I’m not easily offended and I morally detach myself from my writings. Perhaps it would be a great learning experience for me.

That’s it for now I guess. I posted a similar job wanted thread years ago and never got a response, but I understand how most people either don’t have a story driven game or they have the story under control. But please bear in mind that I could just work on one aspect of it, for example say you wrote a good story, but you suck at dialogue, I could write that for you! So consider that when contacting me.

Oh and please no super ambitious projects like Crisis or an MMO, please god no. lol I want to jump onboard something that will be finished! (Hopefully)

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R.I.P. Dave Williams