about this for centuries now,let me put it this simple for you to understand:imagine you love something so much"what ever that may be"let's say you'r PC ,people around you making fun of you and mocking at you all the time because of that,aren't you going to get mad??

No, I'd laugh it away and make fun of them. We're not mocking any moslim for very long, this will subside. It is a false comparison. But I know you'd like to make a good one. This is just a comparison very few people on your opponent side would take as correct.

-- following not aimed at Vinous_Beret specifically

Why would we stop arguing this? It's a good thing that this is being argued, rather than take immediate action or grow a silent hate. If one can't stand it better not take part in discussions at all. Everyone's voice is equal to the rest, and nobody is meant to make everyone change his opinion to theirs. The best way a discussion works is realising you contribute to the general public that agrees with your opinion, rather than make fantastic points full of truth that pursuade everyone. As we all try. But those points can not exist in these discussions, because both sides have valid reasons for their opinions. It is here a matter of weighting and meassuring, what is acceptable and what is too much? Discussions like these only can end with a local agreement where both parties lose on some points, but in the end can agree with eachother. Then the discussion has filled its purpose.

Now focus on understanding your opponents in this discussion, give arguments why you decided to disagree instead of giving odd comparisons (I've seen more in this thread :P), and respect the opinions of others here. Make priorities of where you truly stand for, and with what options you could live with and agree to give away. If you don't receive the same respect back, then leave the discussion as people are not worthy to discuss with.

Well, that's how I would like discussions to work laugh. I'm pretty sure people here are to reason with the same way. I have changed my mind a bit on draw-a-muhammad day as I've understood both sides. I do think drawing muhammads should not be done out of respect.

But an event like this is also not the end of the world. I expect Muslims to show their voice against it and show disappointment in those who continue to participate in drawing Muhammads, but then they should leave it at that. The world is full of dickheads who can't be pursuaded, can't prevent that. The worst thing is to generalize those people with the general public, in both western and middle-east cultures wink. But I'm sure we all know that.

Last edited by Joozey; 05/27/10 14:26.

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