And I personally see valid points on both sides of this story. Just think a bit more about it. A real multi-culture society will lose not only the original culture, it might even destroy all of it's cultures involved in the long run. Maybe it creates a new culture, sometimes even a new language.

will,that's the consequences of internet revolution grin

I am personally not a big fan of praying to Jesus or his father, but I am proud of the fact, that my wife is allowed to go to work, to walk at my side on the street without hiding heir face and I am happy that my kids can grow up well.
At least this part of our culture is very important for me.

i read alot of books about different religions,as for islam,there is something called "strictness in Islam is forbidden" not all islamic women hiding thier faces,or even thier hair "excluding extremists",
besides it's not necessarily that all islamic people are extremists,
about 85% of islamic people are moderates,take an example "just an example" turkey,about 98% of turkish people are islamic,i never heard about turkish islamic extremists!!!have you??not all of turkish women cover's thier heads,and non of them covers thier faces.