Thomas "Artimus Bena" McInturf
*Composer for 10 years.
*Serious writer for longer.
*Any style or mood, though I do specialize in orchestral, rock, and electronic.
*Flexible, hard working, like to be ahead of schedule
*Love mixing styles and trying new things.

Currently I'm working on a project called Miner Wars, (, which has 4 or 5 publishers in several mediums lined up to see our demo, a partnership with intel, and we'll even be represented at E3 in a week. (We also have three vets on our team from the descent and freespace games, most notably the sound director, Dan Wentz.) I am a lead composer there, and the story director, as well as script writer. (The story stuff on the site is old--written before I even joined up-- so pay no attention to it until the web guys get around to updating it).

Anyway, this means I am pretty busy, but I'm currently without a job and need a paying gig on the side.

Some of my current and previous work:
(If what you're hearing wouldn't fit your game, try the next track wink )

I can best be reached by email ( )
or skype ( artimus.bena )