Okay, it is beginner-friendly, and I am constantly wondering why so few professionals are using it. Either they're not around here in the forums or they're non-existent. So probably you're right. And I'm also, well, annoyed would be the wrong word... disappointed? I don't know..., by the majority of the stuff posted here. I owe great respect to a few of you who either get things done or really know something about coding and game programming. And in addition I really like the community here. I've learned a lot and although I've not been using A7 for the last two years I try to stay updated about the features and functions and help out here and there.

I'm not sure all of those I'd like to see in this community will "change". I like the idea of a forum to show and discuss more sophisticated stuff. This should be quite interesting. But I'd like it even more if it was integrated in these forums here.