but its much more than that!
I think its time for people to rise their awareness.. and we killing the planet.. this is a beggining.. The war for oil, the need for money power, etc.. you let this happen.. we dont rise agaist this oil things, not using renewable energies etc..

From news i read:
The super high pressure release of oil from under the earth's crust is between 80,000 to 100,000 barrels per day. The flow of oil is bringing up with it rocks and sand which causes the flow to create a sandblasting effect on the remaining well head device currently somewhat restricting the flow, as well as the drilled hole itself.

As the well head becomes worn it enlarges the passageway allowing an ever-increasing flow. Even if some device could be placed onto the existing wellhead, it would not be able to shut off the flow, and to contain the pressure.

The intense pressure will then push the wellhead off the hole allowing a direct unrestricted flow of oil, etc.. The hole will continue to increase in size allowing more and more oil to rise into the Gulf.

This will allow the water, under the intense pressure at 1 mile deep, to be forced into the hole and the cavity where the oil was. The temperature at that depth is near 400 degrees, possibly more. The water will be vaporized and turned into steam, creating an enormous amount of force, lifting the Gulf floor. It is difficult to know how much water will go down to the core and therefore, its not possible to fully calculate the rise of the floor.

The tsunami wave this can create will be anywhere from 20 to 80 feet high, possibly more. Then the floor will fall into the now vacant chamber. This is how nature will seal the hole. Depending on the height of the tsunami, the ocean debris, oil, and existing structures that will be washed away on shore and inland, will leave the area from 50 to 200 miles inland devoid of life. Even if the debris is cleaned up, the contaminants that will be in the ground and water supply will prohibit re-population of these areas for an unknown number of years.
When the engineers saw that, the tested the blowout preventer with a pressure test. OK, no problem, but the test they used was based on a 1960's patent using an algorithm that never though humans could drill 5,000 feet underwater. Took 8 hours for pressures to equalize, BP rushed everything, and the top blew off. Whooops.

PLUS: The chemicals will unbalance the micro nutrients for other species to eat, and the whole food chain will break.. very sensitive to subtle changes, small fish dies, everything dies, because, the big fish can't eat small fish that depends on plankton. and so on..



Last edited by MMike; 06/14/10 13:55.