Originally Posted By: Joey
Okay, it is beginner-friendly, and I am constantly wondering why so few professionals are using it. Either they're not around here in the forums or they're non-existent. So probably you're right. And I'm also, well, annoyed would be the wrong word... disappointed? I don't know..., by the majority of the stuff posted here. I owe great respect to a few of you who either get things done or really know something about coding and game programming. And in addition I really like the community here. I've learned a lot and although I've not been using A7 for the last two years I try to stay updated about the features and functions and help out here and there.

I'm not sure all of those I'd like to see in this community will "change". I like the idea of a forum to show and discuss more sophisticated stuff. This should be quite interesting. But I'd like it even more if it was integrated in these forums here.

Yep, I could not agree more with you. grin

I guess 'we' see the true potential of 3DGS as a whole, but very little truly good programmers (or should I say 'game makers' / developers) take 3DGS to that level.

Myself obviously included, although I really do not look up-on myself as a 3DGS pro at all. I can use it and make things that sort of resemble games hahah, but I rarely ever truly finish making my games (all excuses aside, like having no desktop PC at the moment, lol). That probably has most to do with determination and nothing with 3DGS. I'm well aware of that.

Anyways, I do think people with a more serious programming background or preference for specific languages like Java, C and so on will simply instantly opt for other engines.

I think in that sense 3DGS is somewhat of an oddball with it's own scripting language (which I think is great, don't get me wrong there). It is definitely more flexible than meets the eye, but I don't think that's one of the first things people will see.

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