I've converted a good bit, but am stuck at line 57:

scanning_range.x = 360; // pan

The error is "X is not a member of function".

If 3d game studio is 100% backwards compatible, why would not it work as c-script without mods?

var level_minx = -1800; // get these values in wed (level boundaries in quants)

var level_maxx = 1800;

var level_miny = -1500;

var level_maxy = 1500;

var scalex = 0.035; // play with these values until you get a good map coverage for the player

var scaley = 0.036;

var scanning_range = 0;

function appear_on_radar();

//bmap radar_map = <radarpan.tga>; old c-script

BMAP* radar_map = "radarpan.tga"; //lite c

PANEL* radar_pan = pan_create("bmap = radarpan.tga;",20);

{ bmap = radar_map;

layer = 20;

pos_x = 0;

pos_y = 0;

flags =SHOW;

//flags = overlay, refresh, d3d, visible; OUT


function scanning_startup();


//while (player == null) {wait (1);}
while (!player) {wait (1);}

scanning_range.x = 360; // pan

scanning_range.y = 180; // tilt

scanning_range.z = 5000; // radar's range

while (1)


scan_entity (player.x, scanning_range.x);

wait (1);



action test_entity() // this action will be attached to your enemies-- added () for lite c


my.enable_scan = on;

my.event = appear_on_radar;

// put the rest of the code for your enemies here, remove the test loop from below

while (1)


my.x += 3 - random(6); // show some activity on the radar

my.y += 3 - random(6); // to be used only during the test phase

wait (1);



Last edited by vertex; 06/17/10 13:50.