Now they scream... Nigerians in the niger delta region as well as the region's ecosystem have been suffering for so long because of stuff like this. Check the internet, oil pipes all over the niger delta to make sure the oil companies get every last drop of oil, dead fishes signifying the death of the livelihood of fishermen in the region, dead soil everywhere, unable to nurture anything but poverty... nobody cried 'STOP', why should they? It wasn't affecting the west, why should anyone care... When the poverty led to widespread corruption amongst some Nigerians, everybody screamed SCAM, FRAUD, e.t.c You all blacklisted my country, you all hated us, no one stopped to consider how it began... Well... Here's God kicking you all in the ass! WAKE UP! When you choose to care for yourselves only and protect only that which is yours, you forget the fact that your brainchild - The international capitalist system - can't really help itself cuz it's so ****ing efficient. It pours in the rewards of your exploitation along with some of the stuff you never intended it too. Good luck clearing that up... Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go find websites where I can criticize all the silly, corrupt, useless, bloodthirsty, inefficient officials in Nigeria. If they'd done something at the onset, maybe there'd be no such thing as oil kidnapping and stuff in the country today. good luck BP, goodluck Obama.

I know I can.