thanks for reply.
The model is in the right project folder, i use it in WED, too and some lines above, I unse this model with "ent_create...."
I searched for the mistake an found something:
First, i wrote instead of "enet_init();"

Maybe I initialised the Anet-plugin in a wrong way.
But it didn't exit, so i think the initialising is okay.
After that i wrote instead of "enet_init_server(used_port,max_players,"");"

used_port = 2300 and max_players = 4 as in your 3D-Chat-example and well, the engine quites. But I can't imagine, why - have you any ideas?
I read in your manual
1 wenn alles geklappt hat
ANET_ERROR wenn ein Fehler aufgetreten ist

So there have to be a mistake in my way to create the server, but where? ^^
Thanks for helping!

I installed the "VC++ 2008 Redistributable Package" as on Anet-Faq remarked and the 3D-Chat-A7-exe does work on my PC.

Last edited by JoGa; 06/27/10 16:29.