I have a project from A6 that relies on A6 template code.
It doesn't work in A7...
In fact I found the A6 Template scripts were changed in the A7 Engine by Conitec.

Am I missing something?
Are there certain scripts that must be included for backwards compatibility to happen in A7?

All of the c-script examples that I've tried using A7 no longer work in A7 without a lot of work. It just seems like such an odd thing to do...to have an enormouse foundation of code and then pull the carpet out from beneath everyone's feet with new code. Also, I'm a good artist but very much a novice scripter, and so not much of a true coder; however, I've noticed that many times the difference between c-script and lite c is simply syntax. To many it seems to be a change for no reason.

If A7 is not backwards compatible...I hate to write this, but the solution is to make A8 truly backwards compatible or stop advertising backwards compatibility. For A8 or A7 to be backwards compatible, you should be able to take any project from A6 that worked in A6 and it should run without error of any sort in A7. C-script of any type should work in A7. That is what backwards compatible means to me.

Add to this that the A7 help files are very confusing in its examples mixing lite-c in with c-script.

I know the plan is to do away with all but lite c.

I know that there are compile issues and performance issues with still using two scripts for one engine; however, if you're talking about 40 FPS vs 30FPS I don't think it really matters. Computers are only getting faster, and having two scripting languages-- one like Javascript and one like C++ would be a feature not a disadvantage. Unity has 3.

I like the java-script simplicity of c-script.

I like the engine and just wish it hadn't changed so much between A7 and A6. A7 side lined my project and I'm sure has done that with many others.

Last edited by vertex; 07/01/10 17:50.