Hey everyone,

so, finally here is it: Gravix 0.5

I've been working for 8 hours today to get it finished for you.

Here is the changelog:

Bug Fixes
New Levels + Dialogues
Multiplayer Mode
Multiplayer Level (around 8 Levels)
Xbox 360 Controller Support
Going back to menu anytime
Sound improved

Yes, I think that now it is really fun playing (I hope so).
I made now an Installer with a nice Icon, Uninstall of course too grin

Please also play the Tutorial, it's completly new.

Yeah, taht should be it, I hope I dind't forgot sth. because I am totally fucked up from working 8 hours XD

Okay, if you find a bug (what happens sometimes ;)) post it here.

Here is the link: http://liamschnell.sagenundmeinen.de/Gravix%20Installer.exe

"Ich weiss nicht genau, was Sie vorhaben, aber Sie können keine Triggerzonen durch Ihr Level kullern lassen."
-JCL, 2011