EDIT: The importing of the animations as ASCII is good, but you have to make it more clear in your explanation - put the three sentences in a separate block.
Sorry that I didn't read your post as precisely as I should, but from my experiences the others won't even read your post as half as precisely as I do.

Additional try to clarify my doubts of the benefits:
I don't have any doubt that the animations will be good - the problem is to adapt it to a given model.
A problem that I didn't mention before:
In MED you can't use weights - that makes it close to useless for many organic and soft bodies.
I never said that your results are not looking good. I didn't even had a look at it.
As far as I understand you, you are going to convert a bunch of bvh animations to the mdl format. This effort serves the purpose to save work, right?
All I said, or tried to say, is that, based on my investigations, it isn't worth the trouble to use the bvh files - I'm much faster, when I build for a given model its own bones, rig the model and animate the sequences on my own in Blender.
My recommendation was to use bvhacker, because you need less time with that comfortable tool for some of the tasks that you mentioned. No need to reduce the frames as extremely as I did.

Last edited by Pappenheimer; 07/04/10 13:04.