we drive cars that need 50gallons of gas for less then a mile, we use air condition even in cellars and sheds, we dont care how much energy we waste, we dont turn lights off, we want every single bubblegum wrapped and packed, and as soon as one of the 30.000 oil drill platforms that serve us the energy we waste burst into flame we start to bitch and blame???

i think that we are as responsible as bp for this mess. everything has a downside. nuclear pp may explode, coal mines collapse and it pollutes the air, and it looks like off shore drilling in 3000 meters depth might be dangerous as well.

i know this aint popular but i find it wrong to only blame the drug dealer for your problems. its our oil addiction and greed that make them drill wherever it generates profit.

so either we get rid of it or we start getting used to the fact, that this will happen every now and again.

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