
I'm working with a friend of mine on an anime-inspired 3D Shoot 'em up, in the spirit of Sin & Punishment and Star Fox 64, which are both classic Nintendo 64 games. The game of ours currently has a very barebones engine, which addresses some features like barrel rolls and sky boxes.

However, I am currently looking for a basic starcraft-controlling script. By basic, I mean a barebones engine framework that addresses the movement side of things (ship rise/fall, etc). Camera and related things aren't really necessary, as I can program that in or mix it with other snippets from the Wiki.

Would someone be kind enough to contribute a basic engine framework? I can build on the snippet that you provide. I can send you a donation in return for your effort. I will also list your name in the credits.

If you're not sure what 3D Game Studio I'm running, I'm using A7.

Cheers! laugh

Last edited by CoburnDomain; 07/09/10 04:24.