Why are you guys (Widi and his clone Valdirene , Rey_Ayanami and now even you the_clown) trying to CRITICIZE everything that I try to do?! WHY? OK, call me "NOOB", OK call me "Newbie", OK call me even "Stupid" and "Unexperienced user", but please tell me, why are you CRITICIZING me?! Yes, I'm trying to help other user, even if I do that in wrong way some times (gravity it isn't a sidescroller, OK, but it can be changed to it easily! When I started it, it was sidescroller! That why I ask dvstudio to PM, I'll help him to change it! I'll teach him to make from my platformer project, sidescroller game!), but I try to HELP! Because I know on my own, how is hard to get started with GS! You need some one to teach you a bit at the starting! Thats why I've made a website with a forum! I want to help!!!

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