Joquan, how about offering your map-making to others?

I don't know how advanced your skills are, but maybe talk to Landixus? He's had a "we need a level designer" thread for quite some time, and his project is advancing very well. I don't think he's finished many games beforehand (please excuse me if I'm wrong) but he's on the right track, and I believe he could use help.

If Landixus' level-maker positions are filled, there's plenty of other projects that people want help for, just browse the forums. Cause you're not the only one looking for team members, so maybe just join one of their ideas?

By doing so you could gain experience, share your work, help and get helped, and you could finish a project together. The art you could later show on your website and people will want you to join their projects as well.

As for all the other responses you have gotten: Almost all of us (there are few exceptions) have wanted to start with too large a project. There aren't many people here who have actually produced a finished game. Every now and then, someone comes in with a project idea, something they dream of. We just can't see how a newbie will prevail where all of us have failed. That's why we advice you to start smaller, no matter how small you start. And that's why, if the person doesn't listen, we get angry. Not because we're mad, not because we're unhelpful. If you start building a level, for example, and want help getting good shadows into the map, just ask, and people will help if they can.

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain