I just looked at your careers page, Joquan. Here's an offer that really blew my mind:

Programming Language Developer - needs to be able to develop a powerful programming language, for use with our new subsidiary, Dimension Softworks (We will need solid evidence that you can do so. It must be presented at the time of your application.)

This is a huge insult to all programmers out there, Joquan, and you don't even know it. To develop a programming language, you have to understand computers inside and out. You have to know all of the relations between binary code, hex codes, assembly, and higher languages like C like the back of your hand. You have to have worked all your life on computers. You have to have gone to school for years, studying computers and compilers. Programming Language Developers are few and far between, and are part of an elite group of computer MASTERS with phDs, who work for $250 an HOUR.

And you want them to work for free on your games, for no reason at all.

That is a huge insult to everything they know. Everything they've worked for. And you don't even understand that.

What do you even need your own custom programming language for, anyway? We already have too many. Go learn a good language like C.

I still can't look at this offer without my brain blowing out. I'm just BEGINNING to understand the basics of advanced languages like Assembly, and even I know that an offer like this is insane.

Eats commas for breakfast.

Play Barony: Cursed Edition!