I have a particle that uses c_scan during its movement.

If a normal Entity uses c_scan, EVENT_SCAN has a valid you pointer for the other entity.
Ofcaus ethat wont work with a particle(or?)

i have this construcion:

Entity->spawns particle->particle hits another entity

inside the particle function, a you pointer is valid for the first frame. so i tried to save that you pointer as a handle in skill_b, and set a me pointer from this handle before i execute c_scan which looks like this(pseudocode):

function pfunction_a(PARTICLE* p)
my = ptr_for_handle(p.skill_a);

function pfunction_main(PARTICLE* p)
p.skill_b = handle(you);
p.event = pfunction_a;

Didnt help.
Someone any ideas for this?


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