Let's just hope Joquan never rises to any political/educational power. His views are seriously twisted. It is all fine and dandy having faith in God, but to think that helping restore the planet is a sin is just crazy.

Aren't Christians supposed to help each other? This urge to do nothing to help make the earth a cleaner place makes me think you are just using religion to mask an evil/spiteful interior.

As for the big bang the evidence is there, but probably not why/how it happened. That's where I think the link between sceience and religion is. Maybe there is a higher power that created the big bang, but i think that is it. I don't think this 'being' is an active part of our lives. It let evolution take over.

I thought the LHC was supposed to answer these questions?

Eventually, I think more and more people will accept evolution as fact because the evidence is overwhelming already. We learn more and more each century and hopefully there will be a time when evolution is no longer called a theory.

Last edited by DJBMASTER; 07/23/10 15:00.