Doing further tests I think the problem is the acceleration code. For example, if I press the TAB or F11 keys or anything that uses the beep function, during my descent to the ground, it causes move_to_vector.z to increase faster than normal. Could this problem be attributed to the time_step function?

EDIT: Removing time_step from the acceleration due to gravity code seems to reduce the initial speed the player accelerates downwards; however, I am still having the problem where c_trace is returning very low negative numbers when I place the model flat on a block in WED. If I jump, and allow the acceleration due to gravity place me back on the block, c_trace will return 0. Can anyone explain why this happens?

EDIT2: It turns out that the reason I was getting such a low initial value for c_trace was due to the bounding box exceeding the floor. Thank you everyone for your help!

Last edited by 82RJZAE; 07/25/10 21:07. Reason: The problem was discovered.