
I've had enough of this guy. He's an immature dweeb who's contributed absolutely nothing to this community since he signed up. The only thing he has brought so far is turmoil and disruption, and there seems to be no sign of it letting up. That, and any attempts to help him, nicely or not, have ended in total failure.

What do you think?

Should Joquan be banned?
single choice
Absolutely. He's been nothing but a dork since he joined this community.
13%, 1 Votes
No, I don't think that's necessary. But he certainly has issues.
88%, 7 Votes
Of course not. Joquan's done nothing wrong.
0%, 0 Votes
Total Votes: 8
Voting on this poll ends: 0 seconds ago

Eats commas for breakfast.

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