i don´t know if the commercial or pro edition of gamestudio support connecting to ftp-servers, but the ANET-plugin does: http://www.anet-plugin.com/downloads_eng.htm
you can use the demo edition for testing

for moving and replacing the files on the pc, you can access the winapi-functions or simply use fear411´s latest plugin: http://www.opserver.de/ubb7/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=316102&gonew=1

for version control simply create for every version a directory on the server (with the versionnumber as name). put in the folder every changed file

in you game or updater-program you have to do the folowing steps:
1.) read out the current version of the installed game (you can store it into a textfile or so)
2.) connect to the server and list all version directories
3.) convert the names into a float-var and compare them with your game-version
4.) if there´s no bigger versionnumber, is no update available. if there is a bigger version enter the directory, list the files and start downloading them into a temporary folder
5.) replace the files that you´ve downloaded with the old ones
6.) increase the versionnumber to the downloaded one
7.) finish

all the functions you need can be found in the documentation of this 2 plugins. ANET have some examples how to use it. take a look about it and you´ll understand how they work

happy coding and good luck