Originally Posted By: EvilSOB
Heelx : Im gunna disagree with you there (reply to Damocles). I prefer the updates to be "optional".
The game (or windows) doing it 'automatically' really peeves me off,
ESPECIALLY on the odd occasions that my internet isnt running.
So think of the poor beggars who have NO internet, or worse still, only have dial-up !!

Dont get me wrong Heelx, I respect your opinion as yours, its just I really
hate ANY application that generates internet link-ups without my express
permission, its just plain RUDE!

No problem, bro :-) everyone has his or her very own oppinion of what he likes or not ;-)

But how am I supposed to update a game via internet without internet? That will not gonna work ^^ unless you provide the update as executable retrieved from somewhere else (if you trust it).

The main question is: why should anyone decline an update? Having an option is OK, but tell me a good reason why you want less bugs or outdated graphics? Lets take not the rare case into account whereas mods don't work, I can understand that argument, lets talk about an original game that isn't modified by the user, like on a console...

Last edited by HeelX; 07/31/10 15:32.