This is a reboot of my old Supercat project that I had started in high school.

The gameplay is GENERALLY the same as the original.
The story probably won't be too different, maybe a little simplified.

College is making me code better. I wanted to continue with my Supercat project but can't stand to work with my old messy inefficient code anymore, so I'm starting it over with all the new things I've learned! At least my old art assets are still good laugh

By writing my code in a way that I can apply each function to as many different entities as possible, I've got movement, basic "physics", basic enemies, and attacks done much faster, and much more efficiently than I originally did a year and a half ago.

For now, here are some music tracks I made for the game.
The game will have a sort of chiptune soundtrack, to which I might add real instruments or remixing later.

EDIT: Here's a demo demonstrating the fist-fighting mechanics, and a little platform jumping!

Last edited by The_Clyde; 08/03/10 15:48.