Sweet, since he is planning on adding cloth etc.. physics, I'm assuming he is also going to be adding the destruction stuff, I mean, Here is what I'm looking for, on my current game project... I need a way to have buildings, light poles, trees etc.. take on damage, and show the damage, and with each hit / collision or maybe even shots, to start coming apart, like with a distortion type affect, like showing it dented or moved, then more, and more, until it finally either A.) crumbles to the ground, or be, just simply falls over, like a tree or pole, and for buildings etc.. when it hits the ground, having it come apart into multiple pieces, maybe I can achieve this affect with just changing the objects into multiple objects, which then throw gibs, and particle fx, like smoke, dust / fog type stuff..

If this can already be done, does anyone have an example showing something like this, maybe just with 1 building or object, as kind of an example of howto, then I can extend from there, and improve and add to the affect.

Thanks in advance..


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