You'd need to send us your PC when you want us to install A8 for you. But don't worry, you can fix this yourself. Here are some general hints when programs won't install on your PC:

- The most frequent reason of such problems is a bad internet connection and an aborted download. Make sure that your connection is ok and that you can download files that are 100 MB in size. Download it again and compare the file size. Using a download manager can also help in such cases.

- You need the right to install software on your PC. If in doubt, ask your system administrator for help. He can install the program for you.

- A defect Windows installation can also prevent you from installing software. This can usually be fixed by re-installing your OS. New Windows versions can fix themselves, but I'm not sure if this already worked with XP.

I've moved this thread to "Starting" as such problems do not really belong to the bug forum.