Please George, try to find some time and make article about second level loading, making cutscenes between (cutscene is in different file), and puting all together. There are so litle informations or tutorials around here about that issue.
I dont mean simple loadLevel(), I mean what we should take care of, what kind of script should have a callen file, does he have a main() function also, do we have to create separate view for each level.
As I now understend 3dgs It's the best that first level should have the main script and second, third, etc. level should have attached script with only specific actions and functions that are not present in first level file.

Do we need to include script from all levels in our first level at the begining of the game. Uf there are so many questions.

I will be more than happy if you could explain that to me if you have little time. Or if you now some tutorial around...
Many thanks