Im trying to figure out some new stuff. Collisions and subsequent damage to the model(s).

In my test i have two capital ships and i run them into eachother.

I've set up some basic manouvering and shooting and when a collision takes place, my capship just 'halts' and nothing further happens (as intended atm).

My problem is, is that i have no idea what the next step should be to create damage to the models.

Do i need to make a model which consists of a group of models that are 'constructed' in game?

Or do i need to make 1 model and use animations to remove damaged parts of the ship?

Can i have parts breaking off and have it moving through space? I would love to see bits 'n pieces breaking off a capitalship when its in battle.

Can this all be done with the free version om gamestudio?

If anyone could give me some hints in how to approach the damage model and send me in the right direction, i'll try to put the pieces together tongue

My code so far ( which is not all that much ):
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#define STATE 			skill
#define ELEVATION 	skill2
#define COOLDOWN	 	skill4


// used to check the value on the c_move;
var debugSkill3;

function fire_missile(){

	// the local vars
	var temp;
	my.ambient = 50;  // medium bright
	my.lightrange = 300; // activate dynamic light
	vec_set(,vector(255,50,50)); // bluish light color
	set(me,BRIGHT);   // additive blending	
	vec_scale(my.scale_x, 0.5); // small size

	vec_for_bone(temp, you ,"main_missile_tube");
	vec_set(my.x,temp) ;

	me.pan = me.pan + 90;
	my.tilt = you.ELEVATION;

	while( 1 ){
		c_move( my,vector( -10 * time_step , 0 , 0 ),NULL,IGNORE_YOU );
		if  ( HIT_TARGET ){
			my.lightrange *= 1+0.5*time_step; 
			vec_scale(my.scale_x , 1+0.5*time_step); // inflate size of the missile
			if (my.scale_x > 3) {  
					ent_remove(me); // remove the missile after it has inflated to the max

function collision_event()
	// Oops i hit, in this case,  another capitalship ( capship3_mdl_000 ).
	if(event_type == EVENT_ENTITY) 
			 // bring my entity to a halt.
			 my.skill3 = 0;
			 debugSkill3 = my.skill3;

function move(){
	my.emask |= ENABLE_ENTITY; //setting sensitive for collision
	my.event = collision_event; //assign the event-function 
	my.skill4 = 1;
		// assign the key combo's
			my.skill3 -= 0.1;
			my.skill3 += 0.1;
		if ( key_d )
			//me.pan -= 2 *time_step;
			me.pan -= 5 *time_step;
		if ( key_a ){
			//me.pan += 2 *time_step;	
			me.pan += 5 *time_step;	
		if ( key_q ){
			me.roll += 2 * time_step;	
			my.ELEVATION = me.roll;
		if ( key_z ){			
			me.roll -= 2 * time_step;	
			my.ELEVATION = me.roll;
		if ( key_space ){
			if ( my.skill4 == 1 )
				ent_create("missile.mdl",vector(me.x,me.y , me.z), fire_missile );
				my.skill4 = 2;
		// after releasing the spacebutton, you will be able to fire the weapon again.
		// its not a gatlaingun.
		// TO DO: some kind of a delay() function for a 'cooldown' period.
		if ( !key_space )
			if ( my.skill4 == 2 ){
				my.skill4 = 1;	
		c_move (me, vector( 0,  my.skill3 * time_step, 0), nullvector, GLIDE);	
		debugSkill3 = my.skill3;
function main(){

	//load the level
	// create the capitalship entity
	PLAYER = ent_create  ( "capship2.mdl", vector( 500,3000,400), move );	

	// fixed camera position
	vec_set(camera.x, vector (-100, 3000, 450)); 
	// capitalship capship3_mdl_000 is already placed in spacetest2.wmb

Any comments or suggestions on my code are always welcome as i have no experience in this gamestuff whatsoever.
